You know you want 
to live your passion
(Cause oh my goddess... that makes you feel so aligned, right?!)
...But sometimes it feels like the only way to get there is to push yourself.
(You end up losing connection with your sexy self and feel stuck, tired and overwhelmed.)
aka “How the f*** do I know if this retreat is right for me?”
 Well, apart from following your heart/gut/intuition/excitement/spontaneous feeling of YES…
This is for you…
    • If you’re man or woman – single, in a relationship or anywhere in between.
    • ​If you love dance, massage, nature and practices that open you up to 100% aliveness.
    • If you enjoy connecting with other powerful co-creators of life.
    • If you’re excited about cocreation in this accelerated time of easy manifestation.
    • ​If you are wanting to step up your game and have more meaningful impact in your relationships, career and life on this planet. 
    • ​If you prefer authentic connection over superficial game-playing (pretending is for beginners ;)
    • ​If you want to learn how to connect deeper, faster and with more ease. 
    • If you want to learn the art of creating effortless attraction, through relaxation rather than ‘trying’…
    • If you want to experience Breath & Energy Orgasms. (Yep, it's not only possible, but easy.)
    • ​If you LOVE music (who doesn’t?) and feel as excited about the DJ lineup as we do…
    • ​…and want to have a deeper experience of their musical magic as a gateway into body, bliss and consciousness.
    • If you want to experience sublime states of natural high, currents of orgasm and embodied ecstasy in a way that’s both expansive/empowering and calm+grounded.
    • ​If you're an entrepreneur or conscious creator and want to receive business upgrades aligned with your deeper purpose.
    This is NOT for you…
    • … if you hate meditation, connection and sharing.
    • ​… if you tend to complain, blame circumstances or hold onto victimhood for longer than necessary.
    • ​… if you don’t enjoy dance, breathwork, massage and feeling vibrantly alive.
    • ​… if you don’t like chocolate (just kidding, you can still come, but you’ll be missing out on some serious deliciousness…)
    Fine print:
    Also please don’t sign up if you want to stay stuck in excuses and small-minded living. Once you take the red pill and uplevel into these kinds of experiences there’s no way to go back to a mediocre life. You have been warned. ;)
    “How the f*** do I know if this retreat is right for me?”
     Well, apart from following your heart/gut/intuition/excitement/spontaneous feeling of YES…
    This is for you…
      • If you’re man or woman – single, in a relationship or anywhere in between.
      • ​If you love dance, massage, nature and practices that open you up to 100% aliveness.
      • If you enjoy connecting with other powerful co-creators of life.
      • If you’re excited about cocreation in this accelerated time of easy manifestation.
      • ​If you are wanting to step up your game and have more meaningful impact in your relationships, career and life on this planet. 
      • ​If you prefer authentic connection over superficial game-playing (pretending is for beginners ;)
      • ​If you want to learn how to connect deeper, faster and with more ease. 
      • If you want to learn the art of creating effortless attraction, through relaxation rather than ‘trying’…
      • If you want to experience Breath & Energy Orgasms. (Yep, it's not only possible, but easy.)
      • ​If you LOVE music (who doesn’t?) and feel as excited about the DJ lineup as we do…
      • ​…and want to have a deeper experience of their musical magic as a gateway into body, bliss and consciousness.
      • If you want to experience sublime states of natural high, currents of orgasm and embodied ecstasy in a way that’s both expansive/empowering and calm+grounded.
      • ​If you're an entrepreneur or conscious creator and want to receive business upgrades aligned with your deeper purpose.
      This is NOT for you…
      • … if you hate meditation, connection and sharing.
      • ​… if you tend to complain, blame circumstances or hold onto victimhood for longer than necessary.
      • ​… if you don’t enjoy dance, breathwork, massage and feeling vibrantly alive.
      • ​… if you don’t like chocolate (just kidding, you can still come, but you’ll be missing out on some serious deliciousness…)
      Fine print:
      Also please don’t sign up if you want to stay stuck in excuses and small-minded living. Once you take the red pill and uplevel into these kinds of experiences there’s no way to go back to a mediocre life. You have been warned. ;)
      So. You’ve read the invitation for the Ecstatic Awakening Retreat…
      (or if you haven’t, then check out the invitation first :) 

      And now you have some questions that want answers.
      Perhaps even fears and worries.
      Down below you can see the most common questions and concerns that come up.
      How do I know if this is gonna be worth my time? / Will I learn something new? / Is it worth the money?

      So how can we guarantee that you’ll feel thrilled with the experience?
      We’ve estimated the likelihood of you being positively blown away by the experience to 99,999999%. Probably as close as we can get to a complete guarantee and still leave room for all possibilities.

      Having said that, everyone is at different levels of readiness, so individual experiences will inevitably vary. (Hint: if you feel a deep longing in your heart for this, and you’ve come across our work for whatever reason, it’s probably a sign that you are ready.)
      You know the saying that “when the student is ready the teacher will appear”.
      We are usually intuitively guided to exactly what we need in any particular moment.
      Browse through the rest of the FAQs, and above all: trust your gut feeling and intuitive YES.

      What are the results?
      Everyone is different.
      It all depends on your openness and willingness to dive in.

      In general however, these are the kind of experiences and results you can expect:

      Deep connection with yourself, others and all of life.
      Huge amounts of life energy and more enjoyment of being in your body.
      Deepened intimacy (either with your current partner, or as a preparation for your next relationship).
      Relationship skills. Awakened Energy flow (this can change your experience of life, sex and orgasm permanently).
      Becoming more skilled in both giving and receiving touch.
      Developing more trust for men/women – many experience healing of past hurts and traumas.
      Being at ease and relaxed in all situations, even when you’re feeling nervous. Experiencing energy breath orgasms – buzzing all over.
      Enhanced capacity to create financial abundance aligned with your purpose.
      Clarity, empowerment and effortless invincibility.
      (If this sounds totally boring and unnecessary to you, then don’t sign up.) 
      If you feel the yes – welcome.

      People consistently say that this retreat has been the most transformative experience ever, and that coming to the retreat was the best decision of their life. 
      Will I have to to do things that I don’t feel like?
      Nope. We never push anyone into overstepping their boundaries.

      There is, however, a big difference between overstepping boundaries, and expanding beyond boundaries. We will lovingly invite you into expanding your comfort zone.

      Ultimately you are the highest authority in knowing whether you’re holding back out of fear – or simply taking a step back because that’s more serving to you in the moment. Most often, what shows up as resistance is actually an invitation into greater openness.
      And just beyond that resistance is where all the fun, pleasure and ecstasy lies.

      What kind of people come to these workshops?
      Awesome + super relevant question.
      After all, everyone in the workshop or retreat plays a part in co-creating the experience.

      The underlying question is usually: will there be a lot of sleazy guys (and girls) there? Or strange, or airy fairy, overly spiritual people?

      The kind of men and women that show up in our retreats are generally fun, alive and aware people with a warm, loving heart.
      Our participants are in high integrity – if not from the start, then very shortly after arrival (we have practices for that).
      The age usually ranges from 21-55, but both younger and older are welcome in this space where age doesn’t really matter.

      You can also check out the vibe of the attendees in all the video testimonials on this page.
      Travel tips please!
      Plan your trip so that you arrive at the venue before 2pm on the start day of the retreat.

      Check Google Flights, Skyscanner or for the most comprehensive overview of flight options, including one way, return and multi-city. 


      Fly to Denpasar Airport (DPS) and then take a taxi to the retreat center.

      We recommend arriving in Bali at least a few days before we begin, to give time for a sweet landing and de-jetlagging with massage, yoga and amazing food. This way you can enter the retreat feeling fully rejuvenated and on point.

      Our retreat takes place at the Hidden Paradise nearby beautiful Orgiva, in the mountains of Andalucia, southern Spain.

      The Hidden Paradise is located a 2h drive from Malaga Airport and 1h from Granada Airport.

      Shuttle/taxi share:

      Hidden paradise is able to provide a shuttle service from the airport/ bus / train station at pre- arranged times.

      Malaga Airport:
      4 people – €35-40 per person.
      2 people – €65 per person
      1 person – €120 Euro

      Granada Airport:
      4 people – €30-35 per person
      2 people – €50 per person
      1 person – €80

      (Late and early arrivals before 6am and after 10pm will be charged an extra €10.)

      We will arrange taxi pickup and sharing, according to your arrival time. 

      After completing your registration you’ll be directed to the members area where you can post your flight number and arrival time in a comment below on the post titled “Travel Tips & Taxi Shares”. 

      That way we can easily see who is arriving at more or less the same time, for easy taxi sharing.

      NOTE: If you don’t let us know of your arrival time you’ll simply need to arrange transport on your own. 

      The closest village to the Hidden Paradise is Orgiva. There is one bus per day that leaves the Malaga airport in the afternoon and travels directly to Orgiva or other buses travelling indirectly through Granada. You can then take a taxi to Hidden Paradise from Orgiva.

      The Hidden Paradise contact:

      Phone: +62 361 900 0352

      Contact & FAQ:
      What if I can’t afford it?
      Firstly, as valid of a question as that might seem, it really comes down to this question:
      Are you confining yourself to a reality of limitations and lack – or do you live in a reality of abundance and possibilities?

      Because whichever reality you choose will be the reality you experience.
      So if you feel like you don’t have the money for the retreat then the journey of allowing for that money to come into your experience is such an important shift, which in and of itself is worth so much more for the rest of your time here on this planet, than merely being able to pay for this retreat.

      To find out what the simplest and most important shift you can make to allow for a greater flow of abundance in your life, watch this video:
      You’ll be surprised and possibly blown away by what happens when you open up for new possibilities and out-of-the-package possibilities.
      There’s always a way, and you have so much love, genius, beauty and creativity within you.
      Because what is life about, if not to dive in fully?…

      Secondly, we have a limited number of spaces for the Karma Crew and Love Ripple Crew.

      Love Ripple Crew – spread the love and get an extra €100 discount.
      Specifically, this means:
      √ Sharing the event on your facebook, instagram, pinterest and/or twitter (or whatever social media is your thing).
      √ Invite 100-500 friends to the facebook event.
      √ If you’re a member of facebook groups related to yoga, meditation, tantra, ecstatic dance, awakening, authentic relating, massage, spirituality, conscious clubbing or similar – then this is also a perfect place to share the event link.
      √ If you have an email list you’re also warmly welcome to share it with them. If you need any promotional material please contact us. You can also copy and paste info from this event page and the facebook event page.

      Karma Crew – help out during the retreat and get an extra €100 discount. (6 spaces available.)
      Specifically this means:
      Helping with lighting candles, creating a circle, setup of mattresses or yoga mats for our sessions, refill tissues, beautifying and similar.
      As part of the Karma Crew you will be able to participate in everything. In general this means meeting 15 mins before the start of each session, to prep the space in any way that’s needed.
      Together everything becomes a total piece of chocolate cake. :) 

      Email Ronja Sebastian at if you’d like to come as part of the Karma and/or Love Ripple Crew, and she confirms that you’re in, she will send you the relevant discount code.

      I’ve got the money dude, but I don’t have a credit card. How can I pay? 
      Yes yes, we know that some Dutch people don’t have a card that you can pay online with (crazy system).

      No worries. When you buy your ticket you'll have the option of either credit or debit card, or paypal. If none of those work for you, send an email to and let us know which country your bank is in, and we'll send you the best bank details. We can receive in USD or EUR.
      Please write your name + ‘Ecstatic Awakening Spain’, ‘Ecstatic Awakening Costa Rica’ or ‘Ecstatic Awakening Bali’ when you make your transfer and we'll add you to the members area.
      See you in paradise :)
      See you in paradise :)

      Vintage Ecstatic Awakening Promo Video :)
      One last question... I can’t come to this one! Will there be more?
      Well YES! (And no.) Yes, there will be more Ecstatic Awakening Retreats. And no, this lineup is unique and will most likely never happen in quite this way again. Then again, all is possible, so who knows? :)

      In other words: do everything you can to make it to this one.

      These are the ones we have planned right meow:

      Costa Rica
      16-24 August 2021
      at the Imiloa Institute

      22 July - 2 August 2022
      at the Hidden Paradise

      22 November – 1 December 2022 
      { 22/11/2022 – 1/12/2022 }
      Tentatively being moved to the US for 2022, and Bali in 2023/2024.

      To be the first to be invited and receive early discounts, get on the VIP event list here:
      Stay up to date + get on the early notification list here:
      (Love. Respect. Privacy. 0% spam.)
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